Blue Link
The Blue Link technology is spreading out into the future of our cars.
Car Care
Integrated services ranging from diagnosing the status of your car to notifying when consumables of your car need replacement
Automotive Diagnosis
The results of the automotive diagnosis are used to support the customers’ safety and protect their vehicles.
Eco-Drive Coach
Driving information of customers are analyzed to calculate the Eco-Driving rating.
Fleet Management
Preemptive response to non-operating risks through pre-inspection of vehicles for customers' successful business

Current Vehicle Operation Status
It offers customers convenient functions on the website, such as car location and routing information, and enables drivers to give work instructions while driving, and gives notifications regarding the vehicle operation status.
- Economic/Safe Driving
- It consists of three services: the first service enables you to compare economic driving habits with safe driving habits at a glance; the second allows you to save on vehicle maintenance costs by comparing your driving habits with drivers who have higher Eco-Driving rating; and lastly, you can compare the driving habits of drivers who also drive your vehicle to ensure their safety.
- Reporting
- Checking and printing information through three detailed search methods: vehicle operation logs by vehicle, vehicle operation logs by driver, and vehicle operation logs by vehicle and driver.
- Vehicle Management
- The web services allow you to manage the consumables of your vehicle as well as receive remote diagnosis service.
Smart Control
Why don’t you drive your car more conveniently using the smartphone app “Blue Link Truck & Bus,” which connects your vehicle to the world?

Independent Heater / Air Conditioner
Before starting your car, you can remotely operate its air conditioner or heater using your smartphone.

Remote Door Lock / Unlock Service for Your Car
If you lost your car key or left it inside your car and locked the door, you can avail of the keyless door unlock service. You can make a request for the door lock service if you accidentally left your door unlocked.

Check Where You Parked Your Car
If you forgot where you parked your car, you can find its location—regardless of the distance—by turning on the emergency lights or sounding your horn. Or, you can also simply use the map.

Remote Vehicle Diagnosis
By checking the current status of your vehicle, this function informs you how much fuel/UREA you have left. It also provides you the TPMS information. When abnormalities are found in your vehicle, you are notified of the diagnosis results.
Why don’t you drive your car more conveniently using the smartphone app “Blue Link Truck & Bus,” which connects your vehicle to the world?
Airbag deployment
SOS Application
Burglar alarm notification
Base station connection
Send message
SMS Notification Service
If the airbag inflates during an accident, an emergency occurs while driving, or a burglar alarm sounds, text messages are sent to the customer’s mobile phone. This allows customers to ensure the safety of their vehicles and prevent car theft.
Report he theft
Auto-connect with agents
Send message
SMS Notification Service
If the airbag inflates during an accident, an emergency occurs while driving, or a burglar alarm sounds, text messages are sent to the customer’s mobile phone. This allows customers to ensure the safety of their vehicles and prevent car theft.